Cathy Rose grew up in Central Florida and although she lives and has her studio in New Orleans, she still heads to Mt. Dora, Florida when she is in search of unusual pieces for her mixed media sculptures. 

Smooth porcelain faces and figures mixed with textured found objects are the signature of Rose's sculptures. The juxtaposition lends tension and interest to the work and allows for more open interpretation of the emotional content. The work in this exhibit is about transitions and "Beginnings" is a good example. 

"You don't go through things; you grow through them," Rose says of difficult times. 

"I don't know the direction the work will take, I never seem to know until I've found myself on the other side of completing the sculptures," Rose says of her process. "I begin, which is the hardest, and find my way, which most compelling, to learn the lesson, which is often painful, to realize clarity brought about in no easier way." 

Rose attended the University of Central Florida where she earned her BFA and MFA. Rose has been exhibiting her work since 1994 in premier art fairs around the country.



Cathy Rose explores ideas of transformation and rebirth in her fantastical, figurative porcelain sculptures. In her own words: “Since the age of six, my art is how I've escaped the world. And how I’ve connected to it. I cannot remember a time when making art wasn’t the center of who I am and not just what I do.”